Our Services

Mutual Funds
A mutual fund collects money from many investors which in turn is invested in securities like stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other assets. The fund is operated by professional money managers who are assigned the task of generating higher returns for their investors. Importantly, Mutual funds give individual investors an access to professionally managed portfolios of equities, bonds, and other securities.
Investors can invest in a mutual fund based on their level of risk tolerance and have emerged as ideal instruments to achieve long-term financial goals.
Portfolio Management Service (PMS) is designed to meet the long-term financial objectives of a client, a company, or an institution. Ultimate goal is to maximize the returns within an appropriate level of risk exposure. A PMS attempts to beat the performance of an index over a long term by focusing on opportunities that arise in the market.
Portfolio management requires patience and long term approach.

Building Fund for Children’s Education
Prepare your children for a world that is increasingly competitive. Best education can help them stay a step ahead. Cost of education has been growing in double digits over the last 20 years and investing in it from today will go a long way in delivering the education, and prepare them for the future.
Preparing for Retirement
Post retirement life should be treated like the golden period of your life after putting the decades of hard work into your career. We believe that financial freedom is the best kind of freedom that you can have during the later stages of life. Together, let’s work towards a burden-less life post retirement that can set you free to explore the treasures of life.